P. americana, Mill
Familia :
Breakdown of :
Tree of the effect of Middle America, grow wild in forest, quite a few planted in garden and in lawn which fertile and also is not suffused by water. Although can bear fruit[in lowland, but result will gratify if/when planted at height 200-1.000 m of is above sea level dpl, at area tropik from subtropik which is a lot of its rainfall. Small tree, high 3-10 m, taking root to ride the, bar have wood, circular, its colour isdirty chocolate, a lot of branching, smooth stick. Single leaf have, handle to which length 1,5-5 cm, dirty, its situation have is pressure to in back part stick, its for domed jorong until long egg, thick like husk, tip of and sharp-pointed jetty, step aside to flatten sometime rather rmenggulung to for, long 10-20 cm, wide 3-10 cm, young leaf of its colour is squeezing and berambut close the, old leaf of its colour become green and hairless. Its flower is compound interest, berkelamin two, lapped over in secretory malai is near by back part stick, its colour yellow greenness. Its fruit is fruit buni, form the ball or circular of egg, long 5-20 cm, its colour become green or chartreuse, spoting purple or purple of sarna once have seed to one, kernel of if have cooked to soften, its colour is green, brass. bulbous Circular seed, diameter 2,5-5 cm, white keping seed is squeezing. ripe avocado [of] its kernel soften, fatty, usually eaten by] as mix ice or made by juice. Its oil used by for example for cosmetic.
Local Name in Indonesia :
Apuket, alpuket, jambu wolanda ( Sunda), apokat, avokat,; plokat ( Java). apokat, alpokat, avokat, advocate ( Sumatra)
Disease Which Can Be cured the :
Sprue, damping husk kuring, urine petrify the, headache; High blood ( Hypertension), pain in bone nerve ( neuralgia), pain in bone bounce up the, bronchial swellings, toothache, diabetes melitus, menstruating not regular
Exploiting :
Kernel, leaf, seed
Kernel - Sprue - Damping dry husk
Leaf - Urine petrify the - High blood, headache - pain in bone Nerve - Pain in bone bounce up the - channel Napas swell the ( bronchial swellings - Menstruate not regular
Seed - Toothache – Diabetes
To drink: 3-6 leaf sheet
External Usage: Kernel sufficiently pulverized, weared for the masker of. Leaf for the usage of local, seed milled by a refinement become the pulvis to eliminate the pain
1. Sprue
A content alpokat cook given 2 honey tablespoon
pure, swirled to flatten then eaten. Conduct every day
heal the
2. Urine petrify:
4 sheet of leaf alpokat, 3 fruit of rimpang teki, 5 handle of leaf randu
semi seed propose marriage to, 1 nutmeg, 3 finger of sugar enau, cleaned then
braised by 3 clean water glass remained by 2 1 / 4 glass
After chilled to be filtered then drinked. One day 3 x 3 / 4 glass
3. Hypertency
3 sheet of leaf alpokat washed out is then poured boiling water into by 1 water glass
hot. After chilled to be drinked at one blow
4. dry Face husk
Fruit taken its contents then pulverized until like mush. Weared
for the masker of, by basting dry face. Face
washed with the water after the coat masker alpokat
running dry
5. Holey toothache
Hole [of] [at] tooth [entered/included] [by] powder of seed alpokat
6. Bloated
Powder from seed sufficiently added [by] a few/little water become the
dough like mush, ill balurkan body shares
7. Diabetes
Seed grilled the above fire [is] then sawed up with the dagger
later;then digodok with the clean water until airnya become the chocolate
Filter, drink after chilled 8. tea And alpokat good to eliminating to feel the headache, pain in bone
stomach, bloated at tractus respiratorius feel the pain in bone nerve ( Neuralgia)
and come the not regular menstruation
Research data
Leaf have the activity antibacteria and pursue the growth of Staphylococcus aureus strain A and B. Staphylococcus albus, Pseudomonas Sp., Proteus Sp., Escherichea Coli and Bacillus subtilis ( E.O. ognulans and E. Ramstad 1975
Composition :
NATURE OF KIMIAWI AND EFFECT FARMAKOLOGIS : Leaf: Feel bitter, kelat. Peluruh Urine. Seed : Anti chafing, eliminating pain. OBSTETRICAL [of] CHEMISTRY: Fruit And leaf contain the saponin, alkaloid and flavonoida, Fruit also contain the tanin and leaf contain the polifenol, quersetin, sugar of alkohot persiit.
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