Turning white Disease, moniliasis and thrush
Candida/ monilia albicans, normal flora in tractus digestivus
Whole world
Occurence at human being
Sporadic ( pregnant woman/ parent or patient obesitas) or epidemik at baby
Gift medicinize the antibiotic, medicinize anti pregnancy, medicinize the imunosupresan, corticosteroid given continuous
Weak body condition especially at diabetes melitus or leprosy
Rich food [of] abundant and continuous carbohydrate like rice, cassava and bread
Occurence at animal
Candidiasis Oropharyngealis sporadik at pig and horse of while at adult ox in the form of mastitis and abortus
Infection of breath Channel for sporadik with the acute form of asimptomatic (most often) and simptomatik ( nerve symptom)
Postmortum in the form of lesion at milky crop of soft coagulated and easy to closely [at] mukosa
Chronic at adult poultry [of] post mortum marked thick [of] wall of crop of brass chromatic and happened by the necrosis
Infection source
At human being and animal of infection cause relate to the factor predisposisi
Contact by mouth secretion or vagina secretion, feses, husk of patient or carier
Impure food
Peaky or infection network, blood and sputum
Microscopic Inspection [of] serl of yeast and pseudohypha and breeding candida
Test the serologis with the test imunoelectrophoresis
Preventive and operation
Pregnant woman with the attack of candidiasis vagina cure in order not to be contagious foetus, balita which infection also immediately cure, and [do/conduct] the good sanitasi environment
At ayam to prevent the epidemik by desinfection of egg by condensation iodium of before incubation
Turning white Disease, moniliasis and thrush
Candida/ monilia albicans, normal flora in tractus digestivus
Whole world
Occurence at human being
Sporadic ( pregnant woman/ parent or patient obesitas) or epidemik at baby
Gift medicinize the antibiotic, medicinize anti pregnancy, medicinize the imunosupresan, corticosteroid given continuous
Weak body condition especially at diabetes melitus or leprosy
Rich food [of] abundant and continuous carbohydrate like rice, cassava and bread
Occurence at animal
Candidiasis Oropharyngealis sporadik at pig and horse of while at adult ox in the form of mastitis and abortus
Infection of breath Channel for sporadik with the acute form of asimptomatic (most often) and simptomatik ( nerve symptom)
Postmortum in the form of lesion at milky crop of soft coagulated and easy to closely [at] mukosa
Chronic at adult poultry [of] post mortum marked thick [of] wall of crop of brass chromatic and happened by the necrosis
Infection source
At human being and animal of infection cause relate to the factor predisposisi
Contact by mouth secretion or vagina secretion, feses, husk of patient or carier
Impure food
Peaky or infection network, blood and sputum
Microscopic Inspection [of] serl of yeast and pseudohypha and breeding candida
Test the serologis with the test imunoelectrophoresis
Preventive and operation
Pregnant woman with the attack of candidiasis vagina cure in order not to be contagious foetus, balita which infection also immediately cure, and [do/conduct] the good sanitasi environment
At ayam to prevent the epidemik by desinfection of egg by condensation iodium of before incubation
Human being [of] per oral Ketoconazole 2x 400 mg/ day during 5 neglectless day have the character of the hepatotoxic
Earn also hence fluconazole 150 mg/ day
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